Home > reference > William G. Godden Structural Engineering Slide Library

William G. Godden Structural Engineering Slide Library

January 3rd, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

From UC Berkeley’s Earthquake Engineering Resource Center:

The Structural Engineering Slide Library was collected over the period 1950 through 1980. It was developed as a visual resource for illustrating structural systems in undergraduate courses in structural analysis and design. Each structure is identified, and a brief description is given.

When I was a TA for a freshmen introduction to structural engineering course, these slides were helpful in providing “real world” illustration of some of the idealized conditions that we were studying.

For example, when explaining about pin and roller supports, it’s helpful to show what a pin (left), and a roller (right) really look like.

The Library consists of these slide sets:

Note: you can use the free IrfanView image viewer to view the MRSID files.  (It looks like the JPG files are limited to those with library accounts).

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